Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, janúar 2010

Long lace vest by geggjun


Material:  Sandenes Alpaca, 11 skeins. Knitting pins No. 3 and 3.5 (US 3.25 and 4) or the pins that give the right gauge.


Gauge:  24 sts. and 32 rows = 10x10 cm (2.5 inches).


Cast on 128 sts. on pins No. 3.5 (US: 4)


Rib (1k, 1p) until your work measures 7 cm. (2.75 inches)


Set up row: Switch to pins No. 3 (US: 3.25) increase 13 sts evenly (now you have 141 sts. on the pin), while setting up the pattern in the first row. 


Follow pattern A until the cast off for the armhole (7.5 times or until your work measures approx 63 cm/24.75 inches), repeating the 14 center sts.


Pattern A:

x\xxxxoxoxxxx/x\xxxxoxoxxxx/x 23
xx\xxxoxoxxx/xxx\xxxoxoxxx/xx 21
xxx\xxoxoxx/xxxxx\xxoxoxx/xxx 19
xxxx\xoxox/xxxxxxx\xoxox/xxxx 17
xxxxx\oxo/xxxxxxxxx\oxo/xxxxx 15
xxxxxxooxxxxxxxxxxxooxxxxxx 13
xoxxxx/x\xxxxoxoxxxx/x\xxxxox 11
xoxxx/xxx\xxxoxoxxx/xxx\xxxox 9
xoxx/xxxxx\xxoxoxx/xxxxx\xxox 7
xox/xxxxxxx\xoxox/xxxxxxx\xox 5
xo/xxxxxxxxx\oxo/xxxxxxxxx\ox 3
\oxxxxxxxxxxxooxxxxxxxxxxxo/ 1

x = knit

o = yarn over

/ = k2tog

\ = sl1 k1 psso

^ = sl2 k1 pass 2 slipped stitches over so the 2nd slipped stitch is the one that shows

 Armhole, neckline and shoulder:

Cast off in every other row 2X3 sts., 2X2 sts. and 4x1 st. at each side, while still following pattern A (now you have 113 sts. on the pin).  Knit until the back measures approx 83 cm/32.5 inches (count 10 full patterns).


Cast off 29 sts. in the middle and continue with the neckline by casting off 1x 4 sts. and 1x 3 sts on each side of the neck (now you have 35 sts. on each side of the neck = 70 sts. in all). Knit until the back measures approx 86.5 cm/34 inches (count 10.5 patterns).   Cast off for each shoulder 3x9 sts. and 1x8 sts.


The front is worked exactly as the back, except for the neckline.  Cast off 1 st. in the middle of your work when it measures 60 cm / 23.5 inches (count 6.5 patterns).  Continue with the neckline by casting off on each side thus: 14x1 st at each side of the neckline.


Armholes and shoulders are worked the same way as on the back-panel.

Finishing off:

Sew side seams together as well as the shoulder seams.

Lining in armholes:

Pick up 128 sts.  Rib (1k, 1p) until your work measures 2.5 cm. (1 inch).  Cast off.

Lining in neckline:

Pick up 228 sts.  Rib (1k, 1p) until your work measures 5 cm. (2 inch).  When you reach the 1st stitch you had cast of for the neckline (the lowest point of the neckline) you reduce the stitches in every other row thus:  ^ = sl2 k1 pass 2 slipped stitches over so the 2nd slipped stitch is the one that shows.  Cast off after 5 cm (2 inches).


Work in all loose ends.


Wash following the instructions on your yarn.  Dry flat.


Wear and enjoy!


Guðrún Eggertsdóttir
Guðrún Eggertsdóttir
Prjónageggjari eins og meirihluti ţjóđarinnar

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